Multi Success Communities

You are onboard MULTI, a creator of communities geared to aid people on a journey to preserve the AWE Nexus of Earth: Agriculture, Water, Energy.

MULTI, merged with MyRaas, and both are geared to be at service to people by putting together basic suggestions about how to implement (already existing) tools, practices and services in order to improve results with little or no budget.
All over this Planet, we can find ingenuity levels that significantly contribute to productivity, simply, by applying existing resources in a different manner or order.
MyRaas + Multi Communities purpose, is to spread the existence of available worldwide ingenuity, and with that, informing people and communities about solutions at hand, capable of contributing to their well-being and to their family and/or community budget. With these re-arrangements of tools, practices and systems, we hope to add more simple and effective knowledge to communities. 
This is what MyRaas and Multi Communities care about and also consider as our true mission. Reaching out to people and communities, informing them about simple elements that will make their life much more healthy.
Making a long story short:
  • Empowering People: By focusing on readily available tools and practices, MyRaaS + MULTI equip people to take control and improve their lives without relying on significant financial investment.
  • Celebrating Ingenuity: It highlights the power of resourcefulness and creativity, showcasing how existing things can be used in new ways to achieve better results.
  • Spreading Knowledge: aims to bridge the gap between existing solutions and the people who can benefit from them. This can have a ripple effect, improving well-being across communities.
  • Building Stronger Communities: By sharing knowledge and best practices, MyRaaS + MULTI foster a collaborative spirit where people can learn from each other and contribute to a collective good.
We move and work around the AWE Nexus: Agriculture, Water and Energy.
(A) They are closely interconnected in today’s world. The production of food, and energy, is heavily reliant on the availability of water sources. At the same time, the efficient use of energy and water resources is essential for agricultural production and environmental protection.
(B) With an increasing global population, the demand for energy and water is rising, and so is the need for innovative approaches to manage these resources and meet the growing demand for food.
(C) In this context, it is important to ensure the sustainable use of water and energy resources for agricultural production, and to promote improved technologies for the efficient use of water and energy in agriculture.
If there's help, there's hope, if there's hope, there's future.
Multi Communities + Multi Services + Multi Uses = Multi Successes.